Leadership & Staff
Ken Rothaermel
Businessman in the defense, aerospace, and intelligence sectors
Laura Overdeck
Non-profit board member
Ruthann Quindlen
Venture Capitalist, Author
Krista Davis
CTO, Shadow Inc
William Mark
SRI International
Rod Hsiao
Founder InPlay
Lawson Bader
CEO at Donors Trust; former president, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Samuel H Armacost
Bank of America; SRI International; Merrill Lynch
Ronald K. Linde
Private investor
Board Members
Leslie F Kenne
Former Pentagon offical
John McCone
CIA Director, 1961-65
Learning In Informal and Formal Environments Center (LIFE Center)
Scientific Research Into the Social Aspects of Learning
Services & Transactions
SemaFor: Semantic Forensics
DARPA program
American Defense International
Consulting firm helping businesses get defense-related contracts from the US government
Letitia White
Principal, Innovative Federal Strategies
Miscellaneous Relationships
Voluntary Pre-K Pay for Success Pyramid Feasibility Study Minnesota
Study by SRI International
Nelson Gonzalez
Social Impact Investor, Education and Tech
PERLS (Pervasive Learning System)
Self-Regulated Digital Learning Pathways
Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
Open Source Software for Online Learning Developed by the US Army Research Lab
DaSy: Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems
Technical Assistance Center Funded by US Department of Education
PBS Kids
Media Brand of PBS / Corporation for Public Broadcasting