Boston-based Venture Capital and Private Equity company. Using fundamental analysis to understand the holistic dynamics of each ecosystem, ACCELR8 aims to invest behind technologies that will create reinforcing loops toward exponential change. Their goal is to attract significant new capital to climate change investing by proving that high social impact and profits are sustainably achievable outcomes. ACCELR8 reinvest its profits into social impact research, philanthropy and advocacy for a just economic transition. Although with a global mindset and purpose, the fund also attempt to leverage and support the New England innovation and investment ecosystem. The company is a LLC incorporated in Massachussets. Its full legal name is 'ACCELR8 VENTURE FUND I, LLC' ATTENTION: this company does not appear to have any relation to a the investment firm of same name (also sometimes with PLC suffix) and based in London (see Likewise, it not related to Accelr8 Technology Corporation, microbiology