Unite is a growing collaborative led by Tim Shriver and other Americans from all walks of life, dedicated to addressing universal challenges that can only be solved together. Unite is a national impact initiative animated by a new way of seeing each other – and the work of building America’s future. Enabled by the nation’s most generous philanthropists, tireless creators, and collaborative partners, we invest in three kinds of projects: First, we tell the stories of Americans who are uniters - who are showing us how to work together across divides to solve problems in their communities, their schools, their churches and their families. We offer new media experiences that tell these stories, bringing Americans starving for a new way together like never before. Second, we catalyze solutions - assembling surprisingly diverse teams of uniters to solve problems of the whole that we can overcome only if we join together. We believe there is a new method for solving problems in America. A way that both feels better and works better. Third, we undertake studies that result in fresh insights about what it will take for each of us to step into the identity of the uniter – and fulfill the promise of our country. Over time, UNITE aspires to become the spark behind a new American story animated by shared values, shared vision, and shared purpose. In other words, we are committed to building the United States of America, once and for all.