Building on the Past to Redefine the Future. Founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers is one of the biggest movements of God in the history of the Church. Focused on helping men live with integrity, Promise Keepers touched the lives of seven million men through its national conferences. On October 4, 1997, over a million of these men gathered in the National Mall of Washington, D.C. to take a stand for Christ. A Movement Reignited to Reach the Next Generation Today, we’re on the move again. Under the new leadership of Ken Harrison, we’re praying for massive revival and transformation in our nation by 2025. You’re invited to join with us. More than ever, America needs a revival of godly men. Our nation faces problems that can only be overcome when men of integrity — promisekeeping men — fulfill their destinies as godly husbands, fathers, and leaders. Promise Keepers is here today to reunite, rebuild, re-imagine, and inspire the hearts of men.