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Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) and/or Anti-Abortion Centers (AACs) in Florida operate under the Florida Department of Health’s (FL DOH) Florida Pregnancy Support Services Program (FPSSP). In 2018, the FPSSP program was permanently funded via Florida House Bill 41 (HB 41). HB 41 permanently allots approximately $4 million of the state’s annual budget for the FPSSP. The allotment was established in a 2018 contract, COHN6, between the Florida Department of Health and Florida Pregnancy Care Network Inc (FPCN). FPCN distributes public FPSSP dollars to approximately 60 subcontracting CPC/AAC networks at over 100 locations across Florida. Provisions in COHN6 set forth provided services requirement as well as oversight requirements and does not allow dissemination of religious content or use of coercion by centers towards clients. Yet, oversight is loose. Subcontracting centers are allowed to largely self-monitor and often employ medically inaccurate, religious, and coercive tactics towards clients seeking state funded services.
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