MISSION Communities working together to change the way our systems understand, respond to and heal trauma. VISION Our systems of care are trustworthy, compassionate, coordinated, and responsive to the needs and priorities of our communities. ABOUT Trauma Transformed advances trauma-informed and healing-centered system change through community- and cross-system collaboration that mitigates stress, trauma and oppression impacting our communities. Trauma and chronic stress is a pervasive public health issue that affects community residents and our human services workforce. Like people, organizations are susceptible to trauma and structural oppression in ways that contribute to fragmentation, reactivity and depersonalization. The effects of trauma are also pernicious and lead to systems that are trauma-inducing instead of healing and relationship-centered. Trauma Transformed recognizes that systems induce stress and our work focuses on creating healing environments, policies and practices that mitigate the impact of stress and trauma for our workforce and all of us impacted by systems. HISTORY With the support of a multi-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA ) grant, East Bay Agency for Children launched Trauma Transformed in 2015, with the collaboration of seven Bay Area Counties and founding partners including Youth in Mind, Center for Youth Wellness , UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. Over a three year period Trauma Transformed reached several important milestones. An evaluation by Learning for Action highlighted the following key successes: Over 17,000 employees equipped to provide trauma informed care. Employees from diverse agencies in the public health and systems field participated in our TIS model. Services in seven Bay Area counties now have a common language and understanding of how to work in trauma informed systems of care. Over 100 certified peer-to-peer trainers to deepen the learning and expanded the reach. T2’s unique train-the-trainer model has helped build a diverse network of 140 certified trainers who deliver the Transforming Stress and Trauma 101 curriculum to people within their own organizations and communities of care. Union grievances decreased and early evidence of positive correlation between trauma-informed work environment and self-reported job happiness.