Org | Common People |
VAS Ventures | Martín Varsavsky |
Mission The Varsavsky Foundation was established by Martín Varsavsky in May 2000. Using the same entrepreneurial spirit he used to build 5 companies over the past 20 years, Martín Varsavsky has approached the social, political and economic issues of his day with the same creativity. The first large project started by the Varsavsky Foundation in the year 2000 was and These two are the largest educational web sites in Argentina and Chile and the two largest in the Spanish speaking world. The Educar program however is not just the web site. After donating over $11 million for these projects Martin Varsavsky was able to bring in government, private and corporate donors to connect educational institutions to the internet with a total investment in these projects now exceeding $50 million dollars. In 2004 alone the Argentine Government invested $30 million in the Educar “alfabetización digital” objectives. The latest project of the Varsavsky Foundation is Safe Democracy. Safe Democracy came out of an original idea by Martin Varsavsky which consists in getting together some of the most powerful figures in global politics with academics, media experts and business leaders to study over three days around March 11th in Madrid how democracies can effectively fight terrorism without losing their spirit. Other than promoting original ideas of Martin Varsavsky the Varsavsky Foundation gives grants to NGOs around the world. A list of the Varsavsky’s foundation donations appears in this web site. The Varsavksy Foundation is a private, independent grant making organization dedicated to using the full pedagogical potential of the Internet to engage societies’ most prevelant inadequacies. Posted on February 7, 2005
Org | Common People |
VAS Ventures | Martín Varsavsky |