Shine Early Learning homeassist assist overview monitoring systems education family services grant supportfortifyimplement implement overview implement team grant support insight insight overview events future events together we shine: episode resources past events blogabout us our team contact us careers email list home ASSIST assist overview monitoring systems education family services grant support fortify IMPLEMENT implement overview implement team grant support INSIGHT insight overview EVENTS future events together we shine: episode resources past events blog ABOUT US our team contact us careers email list Search Shine Early Learning helps early childhood programs nationwide to put into place proven practices that deliver positive results — for children, families, and communities. DATA MANAGEMENT Insight is a user-friendly data system that provides the structure for programs to track, assess, and ultimately support goal achievement. PROGRAM DESIGN & MANAGEMENT Assist provides tailored support to Head Start / Early Head Start programs on early childhood education, family and community engagement, and monitoring systems and data analysis systems. PARTNERSHIP & SUPPORT Implement provides a high-impact program model to new Head Start / Early Head Start operators, including the staffing of key leadership positions. Shine Early Learning is committed to proving that every child can succeed at the highest levels – and demonstrating that high-impact, evidence-based approaches can help early childhood programs truly make the difference in a child's life. Shine Early Learning offers dedicated resources and an integrated programmatic approach to help Head Start and early education programs reach their own ambitious goals. The Shine Early Learning approach is developed, implemented, and continuously refined at Acelero Learning, a high-performing Head Start and Early Head Start program serving more than 5,000 children across the nation. Acelero Learning was named an Exemplar Head Start provider by Bellwether Education Partners, a leading education research and consulting firm. Through the implementation of an integrated programmatic approach, Acelero Learning has produced some of the largest child outcome gains ever recorded at an individual Head Start program. Acelero Learning's evaluation study conducted by NIEER show children served for two years make twice the gain of average Head Start participants, as compared to the 2009 FACES data. THEORY OF CHANGE When young children are actively engaged in learning environments with trained and supported teachers, their families are engaged as equal partners with professionals in their child’s education and health, and when both approaches are advanced through a focus on data that manages fidelity and drives outcomes, we can close the opportunity gap and ensure that every child is ready for kindergarten and beyond. SHINE EMAIL UPDATES Stay in the loop about events, special promotions, early childhood education news, and more! SIGN UP Focus on the learning environment Teachers are the primary driver of quality. As programs strive for an engaged, well-supported teaching staff and skilled educational coaches, our approach helps leaders focus on the following key components of early childhood education: COACHING The Teacher Success Rubric and reflective coaching model allow programs to evaluate performance and focus on opportunities for improvement for beginners and masters alike. CURRICULUM Ready to Shine's comprehensive set of theme-based lesson plans provide rich support for teachers, every week of the year. The Teacher Success Rubric ensures curriculum fidelity across all curricula. ASSESSMENT The focused assessment model allows for thoughtful data collection that supports teachers' understanding, utilization, and sharing of school readiness data. COACHING TOOLS CURRICULUM TOOLS ASSESSMENT TOOLS Engage families Well-supported parents and families are essential partners in our work to close the achievement gap. Shine Early Learning’s family engagement model is grounded in a public health approach, and structured around strengthening parent/child interactions, providing individualized support, and building social capital among families. Our integrated approach helps leaders focus on the following key components of family engagement success: EMPOWERING FAMILIES Shine on, Families, our research-based family curriculum, promotes family interactions and utilizes daily learning activities that are fun, interactive, and easily integrated into home routines. CREATING PARTNERS Our family engagement model builds authentic family partnerships — it provides individualized support to motivated families, according to self-identified needs and aspirations, and focuses on building social capital among families. PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Providing family services staff with clear coaching and rich supporting materials helps them to work effectively with each family. SHINE ON, FAMILIES DIFFERENTIATED FAMILY SUPPORT AND SOCIAL CAPITAL PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Illustrate impact through data Early childhood and Head Start programs generate millions of pieces of data every year — it can be overwhelming. The most successful programs use their data selectively to assess effectiveness of their approaches and to identify focus areas. Our Shine Insight data system is role-based — it shows the most important data to focus on each day. MANAGING COMPLIANCE Shine Insight is designed to help programs stay fully compliant across all areas, allowing staff to focus their energy on children and families. DRIVING OUTCOMES Shine Insight delivers the right data to the right hands at the right time to ensure results and positive outcomes for children. POWERFUL REPORTING No more wading through endless reports. Our accurate reporting and targeted alerts allow for proactive use of data. HOW IT WORKS Support for the road ahead Achieving breakthrough child outcomes in early childhood education isn’t easy. Shine Early Learning understands this — at both the grantee level (our sister organization is Acelero Learning) and also on a larger scale, as a result of our partnerships with programs nationwide. Our team of experts in early education, family engagement, and monitoring systems and analysis have developed an integrated approach that is designed to support positive outcomes for Head Start / Early Head Start children and families. We work to evaluate, iterate, and refine our innovations and systems over time and we also ensure that our approach is accessible to programs of all shapes and sizes, at various stages in their Head Start/ Early Head Start life cycle. Our integrated programmatic approach is available through different offerings: Shine Assist, Shine Implement, and the newly announced Shine Fortify. SHINE EARLY LEARNING NETWORK Join a select group of high-performing Head Start, Early Head Start, and other early education programs across the nation in creating breakthrough outcomes for children. As a Shine Early Learning partner, programs will gain access to an expert senior leadership team to support steady, on-going implementation; a research-based family engagement curriculum (Shine on, Families); ECE approaches, including our Ready to Shine curriculum, as well as coaching and assessment supports; a user-friendly child and family data system (Shine Insight); and a comprehensive library of resources, documents, and illuminating webinars, available 24/7. LEARN MORE SHINE EARLY LEARNING IS NOW PART OF THE AUNT BERTHA NETWORK Aunt Bertha is a social care network that connects people and programs — making it easy for people to find social services in their communities and for nonprofits to coordinate their efforts. Connect with a social care provider in your community. SHINE INSIGHT SHINE ACCESS Contact Shine Early Learning: 212-289-2402 |