ABOUT London Higher is an ‘umbrella’ body representing nearly 50 universities and higher education colleges in London Staff Profiles Vision, Mission and Status London Higher Members London Higher Board How to Find Us We are the place where universities and higher education colleges come together to identify the opportunities and address the challenges of working in London. We are a not-for-profit charity and company limited by guarantee established in 1999. “With many challenges and opportunities facing London's higher education institutions, London Higher is well placed to work with members and other London-wide bodies to maximise impact and the benefits of our city. ” Paul Layzell Chair, London Higher 44 Providers of higher education who are members or partners of London Higher London Higher Advocacy Collaborations Networks COVID 19 news and resources About London Higher Staff Profiles Vision, Mission and Status London Higher Members London Higher Board How to Find Us London HE Working Capital Facts & Figures News & Resources Publications Case Studies News Newsletters