The Bloomberg American Health Initiative is a major investment in a healthy future for the United States. BY THE NUMBERS 5 issues that deeply challenge the nation’s health 50 full-tuition Master of Public Health scholarships each year $ 300 million largest gift ever made to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Our Mission Through education, research, and practice, the Bloomberg American Health Initiative works to tackle critical, 21st century challenges to public health in the United States, aiming to improve health and save lives nationwide. "By spreading smart public health strategies that save lives and bringing people together to try new approaches, we can make the same strides in the 21st century against health threats like air pollution, gun violence, and obesity that we did in the 20th century against infectious disease. There’s no institution better equipped to lead the charge than Johns Hopkins.” Michael R. Bloomberg Founder of Bloomberg LP, Founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Three-term Mayor of New York City Johns Hopkins University Class of 1964 Our Goal Is Impact The Bloomberg American Health Initiative is tackling five issues that deeply challenge the nation’s health: addiction and overdose, adolescent health, environmental challenges, obesity and the food system, and violence. The Initiative also has set out to train a new generation of professionals committed to improving health in America. The Bloomberg Philanthropies’ donation honored the centennial of the School’s establishment as the United States’ first independent graduate school of public health. Read more in our annual reports: 2019 | 2018 Initiative Team Members joshua-sharfstein Joshua M. Sharfstein, MD Director, Bloomberg American Health Initiative, and Vice Dean for Public Health Practice and Community Engagement michelle-spencer Michelle Spencer, MS Associate Director, Bloomberg American Health Initiative, and Associate Scientist for Health Policy and Management Marianne Amoss Marianne Amoss Director of Communications shane-bryan Shane Bryan Partnership & Engagement Officer Akola-Francis Akola Francis Administrative Coordinator Erin Gatz headshot Erin Gatz Research Program Officer Shannon-Jones Shannon A. Jones Communications and Events Manager Amanda Latimore Amanda Latimore Public Sector Initiatives Lead Assistant Scientist, Epidemiology Paulani Mui Paulani Mui Research Associate Assistant Director of the Office of Public Health Practice and Training justin-orlove Justin Orlove Financial Officer faria-zaman Faria Zaman Fellowship Officer Stay Connected to the Initiative Sign up for the American Health Dispatch now and receive all the latest news from the Initiative. Enter Your E-mail