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REDBELLY EVENTS PRESS JOBS RESEARCH PAPERS THE ACCOUNTABLE BLOCKCHAIN When blockchain participants are held responsible for their actions. SUPPORTED BY CSIRO The University of Sydney The Australian Research Council BUILT BY EXPERTS The expertise of the Concurrent Systems Research Group is in the theory and practice of distributed computing. With many years of experience, the group members have defined a new problem, called the Blockchain Consensus with French and Spanish researchers. READ THE RESEARCH PAPERS FOR PERFORMANCE The Red Belly Blockchain offers unprecedented throughput of more than 600 thousands transactions per second (an order of magnitude faster than Visa). Its safety aspect is of invaluable importance for critical industries, like banking, and offers performance that scales horizontally. WITH SECURITY IN MIND Our researchers in collaboration with Data61-CSIRO, demonstrated the limitations of forkable blockchains (like Bitcoin and Ethereum) and how one can issue a Balance Attack to double spend, which consists of stealing assets from the blockchain. HOW TO HOLD PARTICIPANTS ACCOUNTABLE Red Belly Blockchain holds blockchain participants accountable for their actions to achieve unprecedented security. Existing blockchains lose assets if a third of the participants experience a problem, which is inevitable after a sufficiently long execution. In reality blockchain participants are generally rational and will try to maximize their profit, sometimes hacking their own copy of their software if it is worth it. Red Belly Blockchain ensures that these participants get detected and punished, hence incentivizing sufficiently many of them to guarantee that no double spending occurs in reality. WHY REDBELLY BLOCKCHAIN IS SCALABLE 1 NEXT EVENT No events MORE EVENTS THEY TALK ABOUT REDBELLY BLOCKCHAIN READ 下一代区块链:Red Belly将更高速高效能并作用全球范围 READ New Research Targets a Big Worry for Some Blockchains: Double-Spent Transactions Forbes READ High Costs, Headaches And Hidden Money Pits Of Healthcare Combated By Blockchain READ CSIRO and the University of Sydney's Red Belly Blockchain breaks new ground for speed READ MORE PRESS OUR TEAM Vincent Gramoli Vincent Gramoli CEO A/Prof. Vincent Gramoli is CEO of Red Belly. He was affiliated with INRIA in France, Cornell University in the US and CSIRO in Australia. He is an Associate Professor and the head of the Concurrent Systems Research Group at the University of Sydney, an invited Professor at EPFL and a Future Fellow of the Australian Research Council. JOIN US Red Belly Blockchain is at the edge of blockchain advances and key for industry to adopt distributed ledger technology into production. It offers a fruitful working environment with the brightest minds specialised in the research of blockchain security, system optimisation and distributed computing. Red Belly gains the trust of its customers in a novel way by first building a blockchain technology that is scientifically proven before pushing it to market. Join us for pushing these limits further. CURRENTLY SEEKING Business Development Manager Sydney / Australia APPLY PUBLISHED ON 06/13/19 APPLICATION DEADLINE 07/31/19 Blockchain Architect Sydney / Australia APPLY PUBLISHED ON 06/13/19 APPLICATION DEADLINE 07/15/19 No current positions matching your skills? You can send us an unsollicited application with your resumer and motivations by clicking here. MORE JOB POSITIONS SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 1, CLEVELAND STREET, NSW 2006 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. CSRG CODE AND GITLAB REDBELLY EVENTS PRESS JOBS RESEARCH PAPERS © COPYRIGHT RED BELLY BLOCKCHAIN 2019
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