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WHAT IS ISEEK? Purdue University’s Institute for Social Empowerment through Entrepreneurship and Knowledge (ISEEK) empowers under-privileged and poverty-stricken young people in the world to lift themselves out of poverty and lead healthy and prosperous lives. It achieves its goal through innovative, technology-enabled approaches to health and entrepreneurship education, on-the-job training, and ICT support for the target demographic to start and sustain businesses and manage their health OUR MISSION : 10 + 10 + 10 Our mission is to empower the under-privileged population of the world and "graduate" a minimum of TEN MILLION people in TEN different countries within TEN years. We will accomplish this goal through a technology-enabled platform that provides access to knowledge, capital, the market, and talent. ISEEK’S HYBRID DEVELOPMENT MODEL ISEEK will achieve its stated goals by partnering with governments, universities, NGOs, and corporations and creating a massively scalable infrastructure that will enable composition and delivery of comprehensive, contextually and culturally relevant games and other contents over mobile platforms. ISEEK’s mobile gaming and knowledge platform is specifically designed for peer-reviewed, crowd sourced content creation that could reach and support those with the least access to education and opportunity. Project Saksham (empowered in Hindi) is ISEEK's flagship project . The project is based in the state of Jharkhand in India, where a large segment of the population lives below the subsistence level. Project Saksham will serve as a brand and a channel through which those associated with ISEEK will be able to sell and market the products they make - supporting their craft and providing them with continual business. HOW DOES ISEEK ACHIEVE THIS? To reach and engage this population segment will require: a clear road to empowerment; taking entrepreneurship and health education to the people through the creative use of mobile gaming technology; and a proactive intervention model that allows the participant to apply the gained knowledge in successfully starting and running a small business. ISEEK addresses these needs for empowerment by arming its participants with access to knowledge, capital, the market, talent and technology. ISEEK ON SOCIAL MEDIA
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