PAM: THE PHOTOGRAPHIC AFFECT METER PAM_in_hand.jpg PAM is a visual, single-item measure of affect that has been validated as a proxy for gold standard measures of affect including PANAS. Although PAM started out as my dissertain project, the response to the project has been tremendous. PAM is open source and available for free to anyone, and has been used in clinical trials, behavioral research, employee/ workplace assessment, market research, and some other stuff I'm sure I don't know about. To get started with PAM yourself, get Open mHealth compliant downloads and source code on our small data lab omh apps page or visit the meager but informative PAM resource page. Or, shoot me an email. One of these days I'll put together the proper website it deserves! Pollak, JP, Adams, P, Gay, G. (2011). PAM: A Photographic Affect Meter for frequent, in situ measurement of affect. Proceedings of CHI 2011, 725-734. (pdf | ACM Digital Library)