Vaccines are one of the great success stories of modern medicine, having eradicated or controlled many severe infections of major global importance and improved the lives of millions. New strategies to tackle non-infectious diseases are also being developed to harness the power of vaccines in stimulating the immune system. However, numerous infections still cannot be prevented and major hurdles to developing effective vaccines against these still exist. The objective of the Imperial Network for Vaccine Research is to tackle the most difficult questions facing the development and delivery of effective vaccines. Imperial researchers are at the forefront of every area relating to vaccine research, addressing knowledge gaps ranging from the extent to which particular infectious diseases affect people around the world; to the ways microbes interact with the human body; how to best stimulate immunity using novel technologies; and methods to accelerate the licensing and uptake of vaccines. The multi-disciplinary Imperial Network in Vaccine Research is made up of world-leading experts, whose shared objective is to overcome the most challenging obstacles to effective vaccination. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies and collaborating across many disciplines we aim to better understand how protection can be induced and how vaccination can be delivered to people across the world. Our objectives To bring together every investigator at Imperial College whose work can help improve the development, delivery and uptake of vaccines worldwide To enable cross-disciplinary collaboration for the generation of innovative approaches to difficult questions in vaccine research To develop scientists and clinicians with interests in vaccine research by promoting their training and education To promote strategic alliances with external partners including industry and other academic institutions Faculties and Departments involved in the Network for Vaccine Research Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain Sciences Department of Immunology and Inflammation Department of Infectious Disease Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Department of Surgery & Cancer National Heart and Lung Institute School of Public Health Faculty of Engineering Department of Bioengineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Computing Department of Earth Science and Engineering Department of Materials Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry Department of Life Sciences Department of Mathematics Department of Physics Imperial College Business School Data Science Institute