Leadership & Staff
Vicki Fuller
Former New York State Common Retirement Fund CIO
Navnoor Kang
Director, NYS Common Retirement Fund
Board Members
Raymond D Potter
Head of Credit Trading - Americas, Standard New York Securities, Inc.
Jacques Jiha
Executive Vice President & CFO, LTD/Black Enterprise Magazine
John E Hull
Financial Vice President & Chief Investment Officer of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Jeffrey Halis
President of Tyndall Management, LLC
Duke Energy Corporation
Electric utilty company supplying electricity for residential and commercial use
Olin Corporation
Manufacturer of ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide
Dominion Energy, Inc.
Energy producer and provider of electricity, natural gas and related services.
Lone Star Fund VI
Invests in distressed debt, distressed real estate and real estate entities
Services & Transactions
SoftBank Capital
venture capital firm
Miscellaneous Relationships
Bretton Woods II, New America
Advancing Social Impact Finance to Meet UNSDGs