Yolo County Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition
STEAC Affiliations
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
HOME provides gap financing for affordable housing through four eligible activities: homebuyer assistance, homeowner rehabilitation, rental housing, and tenant-based rental assistance.
Housing Trust Fund
The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) provides grants to states to produce and preserve affordable housing for extremely low- and very low-income households.
CBDG: Community Development Block Grant Programs
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities.
Community Housing Opportunities (CHOC)
CHOC has partnered with several community partners to develop, finance, and build affordable housing in a tri-county area.
Davis Community Meals and Housing
A non-profit volunteer organization in Davis, Ca
Short Term Emergency Aid Committee (STEAC)
Housing Organization in Yolo County, CA
Mutual Housing California
Housing Organization in California
Heart of Davis
To assist people experiencing homelessness in the Davis community to obtain shelter, housing, and supportive services.
Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rehousing Team (HEART)
(previously known as IRWS)
Child Organizations
Project Roomkey
PRK’s objectives are to protect public health, isolate the medically vulnerable and lessen the demand on local shelters to allow for physical distancing.
City of Davis Social Service Commission
Commission advises Davis City Council on topics like health, affordable housing, homelessness, hunger, transit, child care, elder adult services, accessibility and low income needs.
City of Davis Planning Commission
Serves as the advisory agency to City Council on matters of zoning, subdivision matters, the general plan, etc.
Davis City Council
Provides policy direction, establishes goals, and sets priorities for Davis City government
Yolo County
Yolo County, officially the County of Yolo, is a county located in the northern portion of the U.S. state of California.
Government of California
State Government for California
Davis RISE
Environmental Community Organization in Davis, CA
Services & Transactions
Boschken Properties
Commercial and Residential Property Management
Miscellaneous Relationships
Empower Yolo
Social Service Organization in Yolo County
FARM Davis
FARM Davis is an non-profit organization in Davis
COOL Cuisine
COOL Cuisine is a coalition of individuals and organizations seeking more plant-based, planet-friendly, and health conscious dining and shopping options in Davis, CA
Yolo Food Bank
Local food bank