People Have Given To
People with positions in Rockefeller Foundation have made donations to
University of Chicago $25,000,000 Mellody Hobson
University of Chicago Laboratory Schools $25,000,000 Mellody Hobson
Senate Majority PAC $1,250,250 Mellody Hobson, Clifton R Wharton Jr
Democratic National Committee $533,900 Ann M Fudge, David M Lawrence, Rajat K Gupta, Mellody Hobson, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss, Helene D Gayle, David Rockefeller Jr, Dr Margaret Hamburg, Alice Huang, Clifton R Wharton Jr, Rajiv Shah, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, John W Rowe MD
American Bridge 21st Century $500,000 Mellody Hobson
Victory 2020 $500,000 Mellody Hobson
Biden Action Fund $360,600 Mellody Hobson
Barack Obama $282,800 Ann M Fudge, Richard D Parsons, Rajat K Gupta, Mellody Hobson, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss, Helene D Gayle, David Rockefeller Jr, Dr Margaret Hamburg, Alice Huang, Clifton R Wharton Jr, Rajiv Shah, Darren Walker, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, John W Rowe MD
Black Economic Alliance $260,000 Richard D Parsons, Mellody Hobson
Mayday PAC $250,000 Mellody Hobson
Unite The Country $250,000 Mellody Hobson
Hillary Action Fund $243,600 Mellody Hobson, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $119,200 Judith Rodin, Richard D Parsons, David M Lawrence, Rajat K Gupta, Karen N Horn, Mellody Hobson, David Rockefeller Jr, Jessica Tuchman Mathews
Republican National Committee $115,700 Richard D Parsons, Thomas J Healey
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $108,450 David M Lawrence, Mellody Hobson, Helene D Gayle, David Rockefeller Jr, Dr Margaret Hamburg, Alice Huang, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, John W Rowe MD
Nancy Pelosi $100,725 Mellody Hobson, David Rockefeller Jr, Clifton R Wharton Jr
The Chicago Public Education Fund $100,000 Mellody Hobson
Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund $100,000 Mellody Hobson
Hillary Victory Fund $64,100 Mellody Hobson
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $60,000 Richard D Parsons, Thomas J Healey