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About EVPA Shaping the future of venture philanthropy and social investment The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) is a lively community of organisations sharing the same vision and a common goal: creating positive societal impact through venture philanthropy. We’ll show you how. EVPA helps investors and grantmakers connect and learn from each other in their pursuit of deeper societal impact Who we are Since our launch in 2004, we have been building a community of organisations interested in or practising venture philanthropy (VP) and social investment (SI) across Europe. EVPA defines venture philanthropy as an approach to building stronger investee organisations with a societal purpose, by providing them with both financial and non-financial support. Venture philanthropy’s ultimate objective is to achieve societal impact. VP does this through both social investment and high-engagement grantmaking. EVPA brings together a diverse community with a common interest in venture philanthropy and social investment Our membership EVPA is a broad and diverse community. Our membership covers a full range of venture philanthropy and social investment activities including venture philanthropy funds, social investors, grantmaking foundations, impact investing funds, private equity firms, professional service firms, philanthropy advisers, banks and business schools. EVPA’s community continues to grow, with an increase in membership of over 50% in the past five years alone. Currently, we have more than 320 members from over 30 countries, mainly in Europe, but also in the United States, the Middle East and Asia. EVPA membership and benefits Mission Vision EVPA strategic objectives 1. Increase funding and expertise coming into the Venture Philanthropy and Social Investment space. EVPA looks to stimulate domestic and foreign capital flows into the sector; EVPA builds the sector in countries where the method is less known; EVPA helps grow the sector in more established markets. Learn more about EVPA's market building activities 2. Increase the effectiveness of Venture Philanthropists and Social Investors. EVPA’s Knowledge Centre is a hub for knowledge-building on VP/SI in Europe. It conducts research, collects stores and develops frameworks, definitions and standards for best practice and impact assessment. EVPA is focused on offering support, events and experiences to advance the professionalisation of the sector, all shaped around our members’ needs. Learn more about EVPA's Knowledge Centre 3. Co-create a well-functioning ecosystem for societal impact. EVPA'sKnowledge Center has beengathering data the sector since 2010, mapping who is active in our ecosystemand attracting a growing interest in the sector. EVPA works together with othersector players, such as networks and European policymakers, to co-create the conditions in which venture philanthropyorganisations and social purpose organisations can thrive. Learn more about EVPA’s policy activities. Share it on Click here to search and filter all content of the website About Community Knowledge Centre Events and trainings News Logo EVPA Rue Royale 94, 1000 Brussels - Belgium +32 (0) 2 513 21 31 - VAT BE0810.969.290 Terms and conditionsPrivacy Policy © 2020 European Venture Philanthropy Association. All Rights Reserved.
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