The Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins will build an online curriculum and training program for contact tracers, Bloomberg Philanthropies said in a release. The organization said it will partner with the New York Department of Health to recruit “contact tracer candidates” from a variety of state agencies, counties and public universities. A panel will review the efficacy of the program to create a replicable model for other states and countries, Bloomberg Philanthropies said. Mike Bloomberg ✔ @MikeBloomberg New York is in need. But New Yorkers can rely on one another. And they can rely on @NYGovCuomo. I'm glad to announce that @BloombergDotOrg is committing to partner with New York State to build a contact tracing program. #NewYorkTough … Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo and Mayor Mike Bloomberg Launch Nation-Leading... Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Mike Bloomberg announced a new nation-leading COVID-19 contact tracing program to control the infection rate of the disease. Mike... 9,648 1:55 PM - Apr 22, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 2,817 people are talking about this “He’s helping us to design the programmatic, operational, and technological components of our contact tracing program,” DeRosa said. “They in partnership with us are creating an online curriculum to train the tracers, to recruit them, to interview, to perform the background checks and then we’re going to coordinate all the counties and also with New Jersey and Connecticut.”