Org | Common People |
The Pitch-In project will show how the Universities of Sheffield, Newcastle, Oxford and Cambridge, together with industrial and commercial partners, can deliver benefits by significantly enhancing Internet of Things (IoT) innovation. It will build strong relationships and an IoT innovation ecosystem in which the Universities and industry play their full part. This ecosystem will sustain beyond the life of the project, including through alignment with the Make Smarter initiative. The project has a particular emphasis on how to overcome technical, social, managerial and organisational barriers to innovation in IoT within the Manufacturing, Energy, Cities and Health & Wellbeing sectors. It also addresses issues that apply across all sectors and its work supports the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy by making apparent the value of IoT methods and technologies in addressing and enabling achievement of the Grand Challenges. The project is funded until 2021 through Research England’s Connecting Capability Fund.
Org | Common People |