Think Tank Updates Education Web Site with Online Learning Research, Resource 0COMMENTS The Maine Heritage Policy Center (MHPC) has updated its education Web site with new information relating to online and digital learning—a fast-growing movement to innovate and personalize student learning. MHPC’s Center for Education Excellence launched in February 2010 as a one-stop Web tool to access new and existing school and education information in Maine. The site includes education spending facts, total district spending for various cost centers (in dollars and by percent), district comparisons to statewide averages, school performance data, parent reviews and information on education reform ideas including school choice, and now, online learning. “We’re excited to make online learning information more widely available, and hope Maine students and parents will visit to get the facts about this cutting-edge education opportunity,” said MHPC Research Associate Amanda Clark. The online learning updates to include a review of Maine’s current online learning laws and an expansive list of online learning providers that students and parents can consider while exploring the potential online learning offers for improved student outcomes. Updates also include original research discussing the proven success online learning has had for participants. Benefits of online learning include a more individualized curriculum tailored specifically to a student’s pace and level of competency on topics, a flexible learning schedule, and additional support. “As we seek ways to best prepare Maine kids for competition and success in the global economy, parents, students and policymakers should consider many of the new tools to supplement, or substitute traditional public education,” Clark explained. “Online learning represents the future of education, and can open new doors for students who may feel short-changed by a one-size-fits-all system of public education. The online learning information included on is a must-see for anyone looking to explore new ways to provide a quality education in Maine.” ______________________________________________________________ For more information, please contact MHPC’s Communications Director Chris Cinquemani at (207) 240-7090 or Schools for Maine’s Future: The Promise of Digital Learning New Education Website launching tomorrow The Past and Present of Customized Learning in Maine PREVIOUSNEXT