Org | Common People |
About NeON The Neighborhood Opportunity Network, launched in 2011, has earned national recognition. NeON is a philosophy of effective intervention that physically manifests itself as a citywide network of community-based centers in the seven neighborhoods of NYC where large concentrations of people on probation reside. Each NeON has a local Stakeholder Group, open to the community at large, and usually comprised of a diverse array of community members, including members of local community-based organizations, clergy, local business owners. At NeONs, people under supervision can meet with their Probation Officers and receive a wide range of services such as HSE classes, employment preparation, mentoring, healthcare, literacy programs, and also participate in arts and sport programming (selected by the Stakeholder Groups as being particularly relevant to their communities) – much of which is also free and open to other neighborhood residents.
Org | Common People |