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Issues like climate change, gender equality and how to live sustainably affect us all — and connect us all — wherever we are in the world. Teaching pupils about these issues is what we call global learning. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning is a completely free and flexible programme open to all schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will help you equip your pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to act more thoughtfully, ethically and responsibly as citizens and contributors to society. It’s completely adaptable to your needs no matter what your role, the subjects you teach, your curriculum or your whole-school priorities. It’s easy to get started with our programme of global learning, with a range of different entry points and activities to choose from. PlayPlay Seek 00:00 Current time01:20 Toggle Mute Volume Toggle Fullscreen Scroll down for a quick and easy overview of your options. Download a global learning resource Downloading one of our free, ready-to-go resources is an easy way to add a global dimension to your work and encourage collaborative working. Designed by leading education professionals, the resources blend with existing curricula to help you deliver lessons and classroom projects that touch on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development — the 17 goals agreed by member states of the United Nations to achieve a better world by 2030. Download a resource Take a training course We offer teachers and leaders free, high-quality professional development opportunities to help you deliver global learning. We work with specialist providers in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England to design and deliver training. So, wherever you are based, you can access courses that are closely aligned to curriculum requirements in your area of the UK, as well as your own career ambitions. Course delivery is flexible. You can choose to participate online, at a location near you, or have one of our trainers visit your school to deliver training in-house. Take a training course Find an international partner school There’s no more authentic way for pupils to learn about global issues than by working with a school in another country. Setting up a partnership is easy and we can help you find a good match. You can create a link with a school in one of more than 30 countries across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. We know that starting and then maintaining momentum is integral to getting the most out of your experience. So, we have practical guides to help you begin collaborating online, as well as support available to help you sustain strong and effective partnerships. Find a partner school
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