Karanga The Global Alliance for Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills OUR VISION: A thriving world where all learners are enabled with the skills to succeed in school, work, and life. _50A4133.jpg Our Mission To inspire and equip practitioners, policy makers and researchers from across the world to promote quality and equitable Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills through initiatives that connect, coordinate, and drive action. Our Work ADVOCACY We advocate for SEL and Life Skills education that provides all the necessary skills for learning and life. A CONNECTED COMMUNITY We facilitate a global community through an online platform and collaborative projects and international events. IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT We support schools and systems to implement real change by providing resources from the field of social emotional learning and life skills. CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH We provide access to and support for cutting-edge research communities exploring what works best and what might be next. Karanga (Māori) - a call out in welcome The need for a global alliance emerged from the Salzburg Global Seminar series: Education for Tomorrow’s World. Educators, researchers and policy makers have come together from all over the globe to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the future of education. In an equitable and thriving world, learners shouldn’t have to choose between being academically successful and being well. They will be both. The Salzburg Global Seminar Fellows from Program 603 SEL: A Global Synthesis The Salzburg Global Seminar Fellows from Program 603 SEL: A Global Synthesis The Global Alliance advances the awareness, knowledge and understanding of skills for learning and life. It bridges the perceived divide between academic knowledge and social emotional skills. Many organisations have defined a vision for 2030 to evolve teaching and learning in their classrooms, schools, and communities, ensuring that learners are enabled with the skills and dispositions required for the future. Life Skills and Social Emotional Learning has emerged in response to the need to acknowledge that academic skills alone are not enough to be happy and successful in school, work and life. In some sectors, this conversation has led to polarization between the perceived value of academic versus social emotional skills. The Global Alliance for Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills believes this is a false divide. Research shows the symbiotic relationship in the development of cognitive, social and emotional domains. The Salzburg Statement released on 19th March 2019 further sets out the opportunity for collective impact. IN A COMPLEX, FAST-MOVING WORLD, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE EQUIP ALL LEARNERS FOR NEW CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. EVIDENCE SHOWS MULTIPLE LONG-TERM BENEFITS FROM EMBEDDING SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL) OPPORTUNITIES IN EDUCATION IN BOTH FORMAL AND NON-FORMAL CONTEXTS. SEL CAN CONTRIBUTE TO MORE INCLUSIVE, DYNAMIC AND PRODUCTIVE SCHOOLS, COMMUNITIES AND WORKPLACES, AND CAN IN THE LONG TERM SAVE GOVERNMENTS MONEY AND ACCELERATE PRODUCTIVITY. The Salzburg Statement for Social and Emotional Learning, published March 2019 Guiding Principles of the Alliance ben-white-148435-unsplash-1.jpg Quality Education: SEL and Life Skills work in conjunction with other learning types (physical, aesthetic, moral, foundational, vocational, digital, etc.) and knowledge as part of a holistic and quality education. Lifelong Approach: SEL and Life Skills are developed progressively from early childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Human Rights Approach: SEL and Life Skills are not value-neutral and need to recognize that education promotes human rights-based values and fosters human dignity. Multiple Pathways and Systems: SEL and Life Skills development occurs through multiple learning pathways, from formal education to non-formal settings to the workplace through different modalities, and can reach all learners. It can be sustained only if it is embedded in education and learning systems. neonbrand-426918-unsplash.jpg Inclusive and Equitable: Fulfilling the mission of the alliance requires it to be foster the broadest set of policy makers and practitioners from all over the world and needs to respect and build upon multiple perspectives and viewpoints from different fields and geographies. Collaborative: Fulfilling the mission of the alliance requires activities and platforms that foster collaboration amongst practitioners and policy makers. Celebrating Excellence & Innovation: Fulfilling the mission of the alliance requires recognizing excellent and innovative practices with robust design and evaluation to inspire advancement in the field. Answer the call and join the Karanga movement Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Subject * Message * © 2019 KARANGA: THE GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR SEL AND LIFE SKILLS c/- Salzburg Global Seminar Schloss Leopoldskron Leopoldskronstrasse 56-58 A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Email: contact@karanga.org Phone: +43 (662) 839 830 Powered by: Squarespace Photography by: Black Girls Code & Salzburg Global Seminar