Leadership & Staff
Guy Beigel
Vice President Social Finance Israel, Former CEO of Midot (SFI Subsidiary)
Erez Vigodman
Former president and CEO of the largest generic drug manufacturer in the world
Adi Strauss
One of the owners of Strauss Group and the son of Michael Straus
Michael Strauss
Israeli food and beverage billionaire
Board Members
Dorit Salinger
Commissioner of Capital Markets at the Israeli Ministry of Finance
Adi Strauss
One of the owners of Strauss Group and the son of Michael Straus
Ofra Strauss
Israeli business magnate and industrialist
Sabra Dipping Company, LLC
As of 2016 held a 60% market share for hummus sales in the US
Child Organizations
Services & Transactions
Virginia Israel Advisory Board
VIAB helps Israeli companies build U.S. operations via Virginia and Virginia companies to source Israeli technology.