ABOUT WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GREATER DALLAS A robust workforce is a key component in the economic engine of the Greater Dallas Area and that's why Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas (WFSDallas) exists. Its sole mission centers on providing competitive solutions for employers through quality people and for people through quality jobs. WFSDallas is a quasi-governmental and non-profit organization. Funded by federal grants and private money, WFSDallas is one of the largest nonprofits in Dallas. Government funding sources have included Texas Workforce Commission, and the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and Education. The Walmart Foundation, Schultz Family Foundation, Starbucks Foundation, and AARP Foundation are among the private partners that have added the charitable element to the workforce equation. WFSDallas oversees more than $120 million annually and invests in all things workforce. Federal government funding is typically administered for workforce training, talent development, skills training, adult education, and English language skills. The system leverages public and private resources in many ways ranging from transitioning highly skilled individuals into new careers to helping unemployed and underemployed people find work. Often, this includes providing working families with transportation assistance and child care subsidies. Upskilling current workers requires nontraditional tools such as e-learning, flex schedules for training, and wraparound services to balance work and learning. Quality care for the children of working parents is a vital wraparound service because many parents pass on job opportunities due to the lack of capable, affordable, quality child care. WFSDallas views the availability of quality child care as a building block to a stronger Dallas area workforce.