Leadership & Staff
Devin Hartman
conservative energy policy advocate
Caleb Watney
conservative tech wonk
Alex Pollock
Member of a Trump agency landing team, works at R Street Institute
Walton Family Foundation Inc
Philanthropic foundation affiliated with family that owns Walmart
Annie E. Casey Foundation
13th Largest Foundation, Social Services, UPS Money
Energy Foundation
Partnership of major foundations interested in sustainable energy
Google Inc.
American multinational technology company; specializes in Internet-related services, products
Child Organizations
R Street Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties Policy Group
Prison "Reform"
Up for Growth National Coalition
Smart Growth promotion org
Digital Due Process Coalition
ECPA reform coalition
State Policy Network
right-wing think tank network
Right On Crime
Conservative Prison Reform Policy Group
Safety + Justice Challenge
MacArthur Foundation Prison "Reform" Initiative, 5-Year $148 Million
Services & Transactions
Inclusive Abundance Initiative
Center-right eco-modernist think tank run by Derek Kaufman
Miscellaneous Relationships
Heartland Institute
Non-profit research and education organization, climate change denial front group