System Change Efforts Through its operation of scalable, data-driven initiatives in multiple states to connect low-income individuals to critical benefit programs, BDT has a unique perspective on the policy and systems changes that have the most potential to make benefits access more simple, comprehensive, and cost-effective. Whenever possible, BDT seeks to leverage its robust, multi-state data, along with the individual client stories underneath that data, to catalyze meaningful reform. In addition to conducting data-driven outreach and enrollment assistance for low-income seniors and families, BDT engages federal, state and community partners in policy and systems change initiatives in order to make benefits access more simple, comprehensive and cost-effective. BDT engages in systems change efforts in the following areas: Data and Technology Facilitate cross-agency data sharing and data matching for outreach and enrollment purposes Inform integrated information systems development to ensure simplified verification and renewal processes Develop standard client consent across agencies and benefits programs Evaluate online benefit application access for vulnerable populations Integrated Service Delivery Monitor and inform business process improvement efforts across geographies Enable “no wrong door” service delivery through multi-channel support for diverse population Create streamlined enrollment processes for multiple benefits Demonstrate high quality contact center service delivery for public and private agencies Policy Improvement Encourage comprehensive benefits application modernization Experiment with enrollment alternatives for entitlement programs Influence federal and state regulations to facilitate person-centered enrollment assistance Outcomes Research Study impact of access to public benefits on health outcomes for dual eligible seniors Evaluate impact of BDT intervention on benefits participation rates Model potential cost-savings of increased benefits access for cross-sector stakeholders