The Institute of Criminology has a worldwide reputation for excellence in both research and teaching. Founded by Sir Leon Radzinowicz in 1959. Criminology at Cambridge is ranked at number 1 in the UK by the Complete University Guide. Students benefit from being part of an intellectually stimulating environment with unrivalled opportunities to participate in the wider research culture of the Institute through its six active research centres, as well as the support and training to develop as independent researchers, and to join an integrated community of criminologists working on a diverse range of topics through multidisciplinary approaches. Undertaking a postgraduate degree at Cambridge, whether taught or by research, will provide you with the foundation to advance your career prospects, to deepen your understanding of your chosen field of study, and to develop new skills in researching, thinking and presenting. The Institute offers both full and part time PHD programmes, two full time MPhil programmes and two part-time Master of Studies programmes. Please select an option below for further information on our postgraduate courses.