Org | Common People |
Our organization is all about creating Citizen-Led Public Services. Everything we do here moves us closer to this goal: living our lives using services that are designed for citizens, and built by citizens. Right now, at a time when public services are more and more vulnerable to disruption by private service companies, we think that citizen entrepreneurs who share in the values of public service should join together with governments, so that soon we can all launch a new generation of public services built for and by citizens. Why Citizen-Led Public Services? Every day at Bayes Impact, we’re building citizen-led public services. You might already know about some of the work we’ve done to benefit all citizens, like creating Bob. Our vision at Bayes Impact was to take everything we’ve learnt from this and turn it into a framework that all citizen entrepreneurs who innovate for the common good can use: Citizen-Led Public Services. So what is it, in practice? With the Citizen-Led Public Services pact, citizens agree to respect key public service principles when they’re using innovation to solve problems they’ve identified in society. They’ll agree to use transparent governance, allowing the project’s impact to be measured, and guaranteeing that it remains open and accessible to all. In exchange, a government agrees to help citizens gain access to the data they need for a social innovation project, facilitate the relationship with the institution(s) they’re working with, in particular during the experimentation phase, and to distribute the citizen-led public services across infrastructure and traditional public services to maximise its impact.
Org | Common People |