Yvon Chouinard
Founder, Patagonia Inc.
Richard K Robbins
Wareham Development; Wareham Property Group (WPG) - San Rafael California
John C Cawley
Pacific Gourmet/Food Distributor
Thomas Safran
Chairman, Thomas Safran & Associates; real estate developer
Bennet Yee
Software Engineer, Oasis Labs - formerly with SnapChat, Microsoft and Google
Lawrence B Benenson
Executive Vice President, Benenson Capital Partners, LLC
Robina Riccitiello
Freelance Journalist, San Francisco
Susan Pritzker
Board member of Mother Jones; wife of Nick Pritzker
Sophia Collier
Chairman, Citizens Funds; Working Assets - Northpoint Technology, Broadwave
Peter Graney
Software developer, Ealchemy - San Francisco