ver 30 years ago, Marquis Software’s founder, Ed Fishback, led the way in enterprise-wide automation of corrections software. Since then, we’ve pioneered data tracking for offenders from jail to prison to community supervision. Our comprehensive Electronic Offender Management Information System (eOMIS™) is considered to be the best on the market. Now, we are leading the way again by integrating Electronic Health Records (EHR) management into correctional system operations. With tighter budgets and even more scrutiny over large state projects…shouldn’t you consider a trusted, proven software from a company touting over 350 years of combined experience on its staff? Experience Marquis Software for yourself. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation extended the SOMS contract for an additional 5 years to provide the remaining eOMIS modules. In partnership with Corizon Health Services, the Arizona Department of Corrections chose Marquis eOMIS Healthcare Management as their state-wide Electronic Health Records system. The project successfully went live in January of 2014 and will be rolled out to all facilities by the October 2014. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations (CDC) awarded the Strategic Offender Management System (SOMS) to HP who has partnered with Marquis’ Software to deliver Marquis eOMIS™ software. A multi-year project, SOMS went live in October of 2011 and has been widely touted as the most successful IT project in the history of the CDCR. Arkansas Department of Corrections implemented Marquis eOMIS Healthcare Management. Kentucky Department of Correction chose Marquis eOMIS solution to provide Inmate Management and Community Supervision. Wisconsin Department of Correction chose Marquis eOMIS solution to provide Inmate Management. Arkansas Department of Corrections upgraded their legacy offender management solution to Marquis’ electronic Offender Management Information System (eOMIS™), followed by the Arkansas Department of Community Corrections. Arkansas is now a develompent partner that uses all of the eOMIS™ modules for Inmate Management, Healthcare Management and Community Supervision. North Carolina Department of Public Safety awarded the Offender Population Unified System (OPUS) to Marquis. Marquis implemented OBIS and upgraded the system to meet North Carolina’s need for a Relational Database (DB2). This system is still being used to this day. Arkansas DCC and DOC acquired the OBIS System and Marquis to upgraded and implemented the system to meet ACC and ADC needs. Arizona DOC acquired the OBIS System and renamed it the Arizona Inmate Management System. Marquis implemented and upgraded the system to meet AZDOC needs. Arizona is still running AIMS to this day and Marquis has provided upgrades to the system over the past 25 years. Washington State DOC acquired the OBIS System. Marquis implemented and upgraded the system to meet WADOC needs. Marquis’s founder pioneered the first centralized database that tracked offenders using one Personal ID number from Intake to release to Community Supervision. This system called the Offender Based Information System or OBIS for short was implemented in Florida and Marquis is still providing maintenance to this day. Over 350 years of combined Corrections Experience Over 30 years ago, our founder began his career at the Florida Department of Corrections. Many of Marquis staff have come from FDOC or have been working on corrections software for over 25 years. This is an invaluable amount of industry knowledge that has made eOMIS™ the most functionally rich Offender Management Solution on the market today. Proven Scaleable Software In the history of Marquis Software, there has never been a failed implementation. Marquis is capable of scaling from a small state DOC, to a state DOC as large as California. Our proven scalable solution is successfully implemented in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which has over 150,000 inmates and 50,000 users. Platform Independent eOMIS™ core code is written in Java, which is platform independent. Take advantage of existing hardware including: Mainframe, Servers, Tablets and Smart Phones. Database Autonomous eOMIS™ flexibility allow users to choose between DB2, Oracle or MS SQL databases. Comprehensive Enterprise-wide Solution eOMIS™ is the only comprehensive, enterprise-wide solution that offers: Inmate Management, Healthcare Management and Community Supervision in one centralized relational database. Family Owned While Marquis is big enough to successfully manage a large state DOC, like California, we are still a small family owned company that offers personalized friendly service to all of our customers.