THE PATRICK AND AIMEE BUTLER FAMILY FOUNDATION was established in Saint Paul, Minnesota, by Patrick and Aimee Mott Butler in 1951. Pat and Aimee remained active in the Foundation throughout their lives and the Foundation continues as a lasting reminder of their wisdom, generosity, and love. During its first 30 years, the Foundation supported the philanthropic interests of the founders and their three children. Significant interests included chemical dependency treatment, human services, education (usually church sponsored), and history. Grants were made primarily to organizations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Today, the Butler Family Foundation is governed by the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Pat and Aimee Butler. The legacy of the founders continues in the Foundation's priorities of supporting human services, including chemical dependency programs, and the arts. The focus on the environment has emerged as an interest of the third generation of the family board members. The Trustees of the Butler Family Foundation continue to honor Pat and Aimee's commitment to the betterment of the Twin Cities community by making grants to organizations serving Saint Paul and Minneapolis their priority. In 2011, Kate Butler Peterson followed her parents' example of generosity and philanthropy with a major gift to the Foundation from her estate. Kate’s interest in the arts and environment are reflected in the Foundation’s giving priorities and the Board of Trustees has chosen to honor Kate with gifts to organizations of special importance to Kate. Financial Overview News Grant Programs How To Report How to Apply Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation 2356 University Avenue West, Suite 420 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 Telephone: 651-222-2565