History Share this on: February 2010 In February 2010 the United Way of Central New Mexico (UWCNM) released its strategic plan, including recommendations to conduct a needs assessment and to develop stronger collaborations within the community. UWCNM commissioned the University of New Mexico Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) to conduct this needs assessment. BBER released their final report in July 2011. View BBER Report Summary September 2011 During August and September of 2011, UWCNM hosted four community Education Forums to discuss the needs assessment. These forums were facilitated by Dr. Kathie Winograd, President of Central New Mexico Community College. View summaries from these forums: 08.11.11 Education Forum Summary 08.20.11 Education Forum Summary 09.09.11 Education Forum Summary 09.29.11 Education Forum Summary May 2012 In May 2012, UWCNM invited Dr. Kathie Winograd and Dr. Jim Hinton, President and CEO of Presbyterian Healthcare Services to become co-chairs of the newly formed Education Support Initiative. The co-chairs pulled together a group of leaders, that would later become the Vision Council, to develop a vision and goal for the Initiative. Education Support Initiative’s Presentation July 2012 UWCNM, UNM Center for Education Policy Research, and the UNM Network for Educational Renewal joined together to submit an application to join the Strive Network. The Education Support Initiative was officially accepted into the Network on July 11, 2012. January 2013 On January 9, 2013, the Vision Council came together to sign the Central New Mexico Education Compact. Under the Compact the Vision Council committed to the Vision, Common Purpose, and Goal that still guides Mission: Graduate’s work to this day. October 2013 Commissioner Hart Stebbins passed a resolution recognizing Mission: Graduate’s efforts “to improve the lives of New Mexico’s youth and promote a prosperous, local economy.” It complements the County’s efforts, via the ABC Community School Partnership: to foster an educational environment designed to sustain a healthy educated workforce allowing the county and surrounding areas to attract high wage employers. Mission: Graduate held a public launch at Raytheon Albuquerque. January 2014 Mission: Graduate facilitated the formation of three Collaborative Action Networks: the High School Graduation Network College Completion Network, now known as the College and Career Readiness Network Employment Network Additionally, Mission: Graduate formed a partnership with a pre-existing collective impact initiative, known as the Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP). Over the next several months, Mission: Graduate worked with these cross-sectors to set goals, establish priorities, and develop one-year action plans. August 2014 Mission: Graduate hosted a GradNation Community Summit with more than 200 participants. All of Mission: Graduate’s Collaborative Action Networks entered the implementation stage of their action plans. Over the course of 2014, the Networks engaged more than 450 volunteers to take action on 11 distinct cradle-to-career strategies. August 2015-Present Mission: Graduate’s Collaborative Action Networks began year two of implementation. Learn more about our Strategies. Signature Initiatives College and Career Readiness Attendance and Engagement Adult Transitions to College Graduate Profile