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About Generation Next Who We Are: Generation Next is a coalition of civic, business and education leaders from across Minneapolis and Saint Paul dedicated to closing achievement and opportunity gaps. We use rigorous data analysis and community engagement to identify what works and replicate the most promising practices. Our Mission: Our mission is to harness the community’s knowledge, expertise, and action to ensure that every child can thrive. We envision a future in which every child has the academic, social, and emotional skills to thrive in a globally-fluent world. What We Do: Generation Next works with schools and school districts, community-based and advocacy organizations, philanthropic organizations, city and county governments, and higher education organizations to support students from cradle to career. Using the three strategic levers of funding, policy, and practice, Generation Next implements a collective impact model to increase achievement for all students. We work to ensure that resources are maximized toward effective and equitable educational strategies, that advocacy for changes in public policy enables and sustains positive improvement of educational outcomes, and that effective educational practices are implemented, supported, and scaled. Our Guiding Principles: ▪ We seek to eliminate racial and economic disparities in student outcomes while accelerating achievement for all. ▪ We will bring a sense of urgency to our work. ▪ We will make decisions based on high-quality data and analysis. ▪ We will hold each other accountable for the success of our efforts and relentlessly measure outcomes. ▪ We are willing to engage in difficult discussions of complex issues that impact children’s lives. ▪ We will engage both “grass tops” and “grass roots” to produce meaningful and sustainable change. Our Goals: Since our founding in 2012, Generation Next and our partners have made measurable impact for Twin Cities kids. The seeds for success in school and in life are planted early — before kindergarten — and they extend to training or education beyond high school. Generation Next uses six key benchmarks to plot critical points along a student’s journey, from kindergarten to early career.
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