IMPACT FUND Our Impact Fund fuels a two-generation approach to building youth success and family stability to help more people break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. But the Impact Fund is about more than making grants to our nonprofit partners…it’s about moving the needle against poverty in a holistic, sustainable way. Your Impact investment builds: Volunteer mobilization Convening power Leveraged funding Capacity building for partners Advocacy for sound public policy Grant investments to nonprofits fighting poverty Low-cost fundraising Community expertise ESTEFANY Growing up in Camden, Estefany always dreamed of making a difference for urban students. Through the network of devoted staff at United Way Impact Partner’s UrbanPromise, Estefany became a mentor, leader and role model among her peers. Now she is pursuing her lifelong goal of becoming a teacher, setting her on the path to being a leader in her community. READ MORE WHY INVEST IN THE IMPACT FUND? Support for our Impact Fund enables United Way to surround a complex issue like intergenerational poverty to drive measurable results and lasting change. Through the Impact Fund, we: Mobilize 10,000+ volunteers per year Convene stakeholders from the business, nonprofit and public sectors Leverage funding opportunities Build capacity in the nonprofit sector Advocate for sound public policy Invest in high-performing nonprofits delivering measurable results Raise money for our cause and nonprofit sector at a low cost Share our community expertise These skills position us to: Drive systems change to enhance the delivery of services provided to those in need Strengthen the capacity of the nonprofit sector so they can help more people more effectively Invest financial, social and human capital to increase the stability of the nonprofit sector Why? Because stability in the nonprofit sector paves the way to increase the scale and efficiency of the programs that work best to help people break the cycle of poverty. A Focused Approach Early Learning Career Pathways & Pipelines Economic Self-Sufficiency Community Stability & Advocacy IMPACT GRANTS We invest in nonprofit partners to advance a two-generation approach to ending intergenerational poverty. Our Impact Partners deliver measurable results in the areas of Early Learning, Career Pathways & Pipelines, Economic Self-Sufficiency, and Community Stability & Advocacy. From education and financial stability, to health and basic needs, the work we fund supports the development of successful youth and financially stable individuals and families.