Our history A nonprofit organization committed to global development and education, IREX has focused on people and communities since 1968. Our organization was created to bridge geopolitical divides by fostering the exchange of scholars, teachers, students, and ideas. IREX then built on our expertise and network of relationships in Eurasia to support people driving educational reform, leading newly empowered movements in civil society, and building effective and accountable governance. IREX became a leader in improving access to information technology, strengthening independent media, and empowering youth through education and leadership development. As global needs shifted, IREX brought this expertise to new regions—first Asia, then the Middle East and Africa, then Latin America. Throughout these decades of change, our focus on people and communities has been steady. Today, IREX and our partners work in 120 countries to build a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world by empowering youth, cultivating leaders, strengthening institutions, and extending access to quality education and information. Learn more about IREX's history » Financial information IREX has an annual portfolio of more than $90 million. We work in 100+ countries with a team of 400 global staff. View more financial information » Branding Here are IREX's brand guidelines and logo files. The files should never be modified in any way, but we encourage you to proportionally resize the logos as needed. If you have questions about how to use the brand guidelines or logo files, please contact communications@irex.org. IREX Europe IREX Europe is an independent international nonprofit development organization providing innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media, foster pluralistic civil society development, and reduce conflict. The IREX Europe approach emphasizes partnerships with local development organizations to expand capacity, build sustainable institutions, and affect change through training, partnerships, education, research, and grant programs.