Briana Mordick
Oil & Gas Fellow Natural Resources Defense Council
George Peridas
Director, Carbon Management Partnerships at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Steven R Bohlen
California Department of Conservation
Sara Drakeley
CEO Sentz / Mobilecoin
Herbert Lee Buchanan
Physicist; Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisitions
Marvin Adams
Nuclear engineer and computational physicist; President Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Roger Aines
Energy Program Chief Scientist, Carbon Fuel Cycle Program Leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Steven Ashby
Laboratory Director - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
William Bookless
Trump nominee to be the Principal Deputy Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration at the Department of Energy
John P Holdren
Director, OSTP (Confirmed 3-19-09)
Livermore Lab Foundation
Non-profit wing of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California
Board Members
Catherine B Lotrionte
CIA lawyer; Atlantic Council; CFR
Hispanics in Energy
Nonprofit for "Hispanic inclusion in America’s energy industry"
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
Responsible for overseeing the nation’s nuclear weapons complex
The COVID-19 High Performance Computing (HPC) Consortium
private-public consortium launched by the White House during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Services & Transactions
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Military’s research hub
David Lobell
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Earth System Science Stanford University