Neuroweb: Enacting Transhumanist Vision 1,258 views Share Like Download ... Pavel Luksha Pavel Luksha, Research & Advisory Follow Published on Mar 3, 2014 Presentation of NeuroWeb Roadmap for Transhumanist Visions 2.0 Conference ... Published in: Technology 0 Comments 1 Like Statistics Notes no profile picture user Post Be the first to comment Neuroweb: Enacting Transhumanist Vision 1. Neuroweb Roadmap: Enacting our Transhumanist Future Transhumanist Visions 2.0 Piedmont, 1 March 2014 Pavel Luksha, PhD Global NeuroWeb Foresight Initiative RF Group / SKOLKOVO School of Business 2. Neuroweb technologies have been one of the earliest technological dreams … Live forever Control things by mind Communicate by thought Use invisible helpers 3. … but it is now that the technology makes this dream feasible Non-invasive BBI demonstration, University of Washington 4. Where will the road of neuroscience will lead us? Next gen prosthetics BBI communication Remote control of robots Brain mapping initiatives 5. Transhumanist Vision 1.0: ‘Superabled’ augmented humans Super-strong Super-fast Super-smart Super-healthy 6. Transhumanist Vision 1.0: Shared & synthesized experiences Ultra-fast learning Sensoriums Transfer of body-mind states Neuro-dreaming 7. Transhumanist Vision 1.0: Expanding realm of consciousness From speaking with pets … … to Uplift 8. Transhumanist Vision 1.0: Digital immortality Digital copies of mental functions Digital copies of memories & experiences Mind-body detachment: uploaded/ downloaded consciousness 9. Transhumanist Vision 2.0: Transition to collective level It’s not AI (Kurzweil) It’s not augmented individuals (Vinge) It’s augmented humanity, trans-social collective mind (Turchin / Josylyn / Heylighen) 10. Transhumanist Vision 2.0: Neo-tribes Coping with increasing complexity through collective thought & action, helping overcome ‘trauma of isolation’ Implying not ‘death of individuality’ but manifestation of maximal personal ability in environments of shared meaning & action 11. Transhumanist Vision 2.0: ‘Psychozoic Era’ Collective minds & bodies to ‘mind forests’ Post personal: shared bodies & minds Post technical: natural merger of minds, bodies & machines Post verbal: people & IoT as nodes of Global Brain Post cultural: new ethics & new meanings of (co)existence 12. Digital enlightenment? 13. Transhumanist Vision 2.0: Transition becomes a pressing need Transition through formation of collective consciousness that is able to handle growing world’s complexity Main crises of 2010-40 are endogenous, and their magnitude is such that we either find new forms to handle the increasing complexity or fail as a civilization and (possibly) as a species ‘Cyberpunk’ is not sustainable: increased complexity of sociotechnical systems unmatched by regulating & goal-setting systems Rolling to the past: collapse of complex society will come at tremendous cost of billions of lives NOW 2013 2025 2040 14. Big trends that lead to NeuroWeb: challenges of complexity Naturalization of technologies seamless interfaces between natural features of mind&body & technologies Mind & body amplification prosthetics, cyberbodies, artificial senses, mind augmentation, AI exocortex Technosphere ‘alive’ / ‘conscious’ IoT ‘smart ambience’, AI in management & ed, artificial agents mirror & replace mental functions Network culture collective, horizontal, complexityoriented, emergence-based etc. Emergence of NeuroWeb: around 2025-30 15. Key interfaces of NeuroWeb BBI: direct human-human & human-animal communications Interfaces between natural minds and exocortex Internet of Artificial Agents Internet of Humans Interfaces between natural or hybrid minds & artificial body organs AA that imitate and support individual & collective minds Internet of Things Artificial organs of individual & collective bodies, (sensors, manipulato rs, cyber-bodies & robotics) 15 16. Three key elements of the Roadmap HARDWARE MAPS OF BRAIN, MAPS OF MIND PROTOCOLS: PSYCHOTECHNIQUES & COLLECTIVITY Networks that enable transfer of neural data High-precision neural interfaces Quantum computers Semantic technologies in Internet & AI Generic brain emulation to real-time individual brain emulation ‘Blue Mind’ project & ‘universal language of mind’ (mental data transfer protocols) Ultrafast learning Productive body-mind states Protocols that control collective intelligence & group consciousness processes 17. Before NeuroWeb, there is Biometry-Web Biometry-web: Internet communication that Neuroweb: Internet employs intensive use of various biometry related data from wearables, eye trackers, body motion & facial expression recognition etc. communication employs neural system readings alongside biometry data Biometry reading [AKA Quantified Self] (for control, learning etc.): wearables (GSR, myogram, pulse, temp, etc.), noninvasive neurointerfaces, eye trackers, body motion scan etc High-res neurointerface readings Biometry meta-language: complex pattern recognition for multi-dimensional space of body-and-mind states (presented by combinations of indicators), supported by BigLiveData Re-mapping of mult-dim body-mind state space as neural patterns Biometry control: biofeedback training to help master the variety of body-mind states + psycho-techniques that allow fast switching between these states. Biofeedback training & techniques for neural pattern activation Artificial agents that mirror & support complex mental activities controlled with biometry Artificial agent-based exocortex 18. Potentially, every area of human life will be affected: NeuroWeb is next ICT • Education • Entertainment • Healthcare & Wellness • Social interaction • Public art • Working with environment • Production & logistics • Design & R&D • Management & governance • Security & Defense • Urban living: home ambience, transportati on, city infrastructure 19. Our current initiatives Global NeuroWeb Foresight NeuroWeb Manifesto Essays Roadmap by Russian NeuroWeb group: late 2012 & 2013 Global roadmap: October 2014 International NeuroWeb Council: 2015 and onwards Collection of invited essays on themes raised by NeuroWeb Manifesto: 2014 Poly-logue format to become community-based process NeuroWeb MSc program Inter-University program in Russia from 2015 Future Biotech (interdisciplinary international school in Europe): 2015 special theme Ongoing R&D Number of projects (our own focus is on collective intelligence methods and CI enhancement by BCI / biometry with biofeedback) 20. Invitation to act 1. Provide feedback on NeuroWeb ‘map of the future’ 2. Participate in the International Foresight aimed to create the Global NeuroWeb Roadmap in 2014 3. Join the International NeuroWeb Council or Working Groups aimed to coordinate research efforts that work towards creation of NeuroWeb technologies (including the support of international R&D cooperation) 4. Organize events that help promote NeuroWeb concepts & cause 5. Collaborate with Group or Council members on specific research / application projects that can help advance NeuroWeb, including the design & hosting of educational programs that help build human capacity for NeuroWeb 21. Global NeuroWeb Foresight: connect with us Website of the Initiative (and the Roadmap): FB Group: ` GlobalNeuroWeb Contact person: Pavel Luksha +1 347 403 24 58