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NEUROWEB Initiative Taking into account the drastic changes brought by NeuroWeb, it is important and highly relevant to define NeuroWeb future architecture and design principles, as well as R&D programs that will lead to the emergence of commercially viable technologies. As founders of the initiative, we represent a team working with strategizing, collective vision design & startup acceleration in innovative sectors including education, biotech, ICT and others. Our team has conducted ‘future mapping’ for ca.20 various industries, with over 10 thousand experts participating. We have found a repeating pattern of different industry maps (transport, space, education, entertainment etc.), sort of ‘attractor of the future’ that revolves around the NBIC convergence, and in particular the emergence of the neuro-communicative space that we call NeuroWeb. Recognizing the importance of these issues, in late 2012 we have first come up with the initiative to create the international Neuroweb roadmap that could serve as a beacon for research & technology groups. In May 2013 we have launched the Russian working group on NeuroWeb that includes leading Russian scholars on neurophysiology, cognitive psychology, collective intelligence, semantics, artificial intelligence, communicative technologies etc. The aim of the group is to discuss potential directions of NeuroWeb development, including principles and architecture of NeuroWeb design. The Russian foresight of NeuroWeb has been conducted in October & November 2013. It has brought together nearly 100 leading scholars and practitioners in NeuroWeb-related disciplines. Our next step in 2014 is to create the global NeuroWeb Council and the global NeuroWeb Roadmap that will involve leading international experts. The key workshop will be held at the end of October 2014 in Moscow.
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