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Make (magazine) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Make Make.svg Categories Do it yourself (DIY) Frequency Bimonthly Founder Dale Dougherty First issue January 2005 Company Maker Media, Inc. Country United States Based in San Francisco, California Language English Website ISSN 1556-2336 Make: (or MAKE:) was an American bimonthly magazine published by Maker Media[1] which focused on do it yourself (DIY) and/or DIWO (Do It With Others)[2] projects involving computers, electronics, robotics, metalworking, woodworking and other disciplines. The magazine was marketed to people who enjoyed making things and features complex projects which can often be completed with cheap materials, including household items. Make magazine was considered "a central organ of the maker movement".[3] In June of 2019, Make: magazine's parent company, Maker Media, abruptly shut down the magazine, due to lack of financial resources. It is supposed to be reorganizing. [4] Contents 1 History and profile 2 Maker Faire 3 Makers 4 Craft 5 Make: television 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History and profile[edit] Its first issue was released in January 2005; as of June 2019, when it shut down, 69 issues had been published. It was also available as an iPad version and a Texterity digital edition on the Web, which was free of charge to existing magazine subscribers. The HTML-based digital edition allowed for searching and included additional content such as videos, with freely accessible blogs, podcasts and forums also available on the website. The digital edition also allowed limited sharing of articles with friends. The magazine had features and rotating columns, but the emphasis is on step-by-step projects. Each issue also featured a Toolbox section with reviews of books and tools. Most volumes had a theme to which the articles in the special section are usually related. Notable previous columnists include Cory Doctorow, Lee D. Zlotoff, Mr. Jalopy, and Bruce Sterling. The cartoonist Roy Doty has also contributed to many issues of the magazine. The Skill Builder section was a frequent feature teaching skills in areas as diverse as welding, electronics, and moldmaking. Make's founder and publisher was O'Reilly co-founder Dale Dougherty along with Sherry Huss, Vice President Make; the executive editor was Mike Senese. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH) the Heise Zeitschriften Verlag is under license to publish a German-language edition of Make independently of the English-language one. Maker Media GmbH produces and publishes the magazine every other month. File:Robot 3D print timelapse on RepRapPro Fisher.webm A time-lapse video of the Make robot logo being 3D printed on a RepRapPro Fisher printer Maker Faire[edit] Further information: Maker Faire The magazine launched a public annual event to "celebrate arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset". Called Maker Faire, the first was held 22-23 April 2006, at the San Mateo Fairgrounds. It included six exposition and workshop pavilions, a 5-acre (20,000 m2) outdoor midway, over 100 exhibiting makers, hands-on workshops, demonstrations and DIY competitions. In 2007, Maker Faire was held in the San Francisco Bay Area on 3-4 May and Austin, Texas on 20-21 October. The 2008 Maker Faires occurred 3-4 May, at the San Mateo Fairgrounds in San Mateo, California, and 18-19 October at the Travis County Expo Center in Austin, Texas. The 2009 Maker Faire Bay Area was held on 30-31 May. In 2010, there were three Maker Faires: Bay Area on 22-23 May, Detroit on 31 July and 1 August, and New York on 25-26 September. In 2013, there were 100 Maker Faires across the globe, including in China, Japan, Israel, Australia, Spain, the UK, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Chile, France, Norway, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as numerous cities in the United States. A total of 93 of these Faires were "Mini" Maker Faires — smaller scale, independently produced, local events.[5] In 2014, the number of Maker Faires continued to grow, including one hosted by the White House.[6] In 2017, there are 240+ Maker Faires planned around the world.[7]
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