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BRIGHT is a bold effort to recruit, train and place committed new leaders to head high-poverty public schools across our state where we need the best and the brightest the most. High-performing successful schools start with exceptional principals who then hire and develop exceptional teachers who motivate students to achieve to their true potential. Successful leaders beget successful schools. With that maxim in mind BRIGHT New Leaders for Ohio Schools has been authorized and funded by the Ohio General Assembly. A unique and innovative collaboration of the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, the Ohio Department of Education, and the Ohio Business Roundtable, BRIGHT leaders will be individually placed in an Ohio public school during the 12-month, full-time Fellowship period, working and learning under the mentorship of an accomplished school principal and an executive-level business leader. During this same year-long period, fellows will earn an MBA – fully paid for by BRIGHT – from the top-ranked Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, through intensive, monthly, three-days-on-campus degree program sessions. Fellows also will be eligible to receive a monthly living stipend. When fellows have completed the school placement and degree requirements, they will be fully certified by the State of Ohio to serve as a principal. To complete their responsibilities under the fellowship, BRIGHT leaders will be required to serve at least two years as the principal of a high-poverty public school in Ohio.
Org | Common People |