Mission & History Our Mission We are members who promote, protect, and advocate for our schools, students, and professions. Our Vision To be an informed, engaged, inclusive, and collaborative union and the leading voice for education and labor. We Value We Value: Integrity in words, actions, and data Professional growth and expertise Student-centered teaching and learning Unionism and collective action: Working together based on core union principles Equitable resources and equal opportunities for all students Our members’ voices in the union and as leaders in our professions Respect and diversity in our Association and workplaces Partnerships with our communities Our Goals PSEA as an Organization PSEA will increase our strength by growing, engaging, unifying, and communicating with our membership. PSEA will operate in a fiscally responsible manner. Compensation and Working Conditions PSEA will bargain and protect professional salaries, benefits, pensions, and safe and effective working conditions. Quality Education and Advocacy PSEA will provide quality educational services, advocate for all students to have access to effective learning environments, and advance pro-public education policies. PSEA will work to improve public perception of and support for public education and the education profession. PSEA Resolutions The constitution of the Pennsylvania State Education Association states, “The purpose of this Association shall be to promote the general educational welfare of the state, to protect and advance the interests of its members, to foster professional zeal, and to advance educational standards.” To facilitate the purposes of the Association, each House of Delegates sets forth statements of resolutions committing the Association to action. A resolution is an expression of the belief or position of the Association. 2018-19 Resolutions PSEA History "On March 4, 1968, that’s when we knew we had a union. That’s when we knew we had solidarity." Founded in 1852, PSEA began as an organization of teachers from across Pennsylvania who shared common goals of identifying best practices, sharing information, and working to elevate the teaching profession. In many ways, the history of PSEA reflects the history of public education in Pennsylvania. Hall of Presidents