Marc Goldman
Sold New Jersey-based family business, Farmland Dairies, in 1999 to Parmalat SpA
John Peck
Peck Enterprises. Rancho Santa Fe California
Debra Luke
Phoenix Arizona
Cary Katz
Founder, Poker Central; founder College Loan Corporation
Cecile Gideon
Nashville Tennessee
Thomas W Smith
Prescott Investors
Corinne Spence
Retired - Spence Enterprises, Sacramento California
Ali Melli
Retired Founder - Monachil Capital Partners LP, Sarasota Florida
Warren C Keinath
Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Mark Bowyer
Contractor/Bowyer Excavating and developer - Peru, Indiana
Miscellaneous Relationships
Josh Hawley
Missouri U.S. senator, former Missouri attorney general