Plattner Communications & Public Affairs CUSTOMIZED STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS FOR THE EDUCATION COMMUNITY PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR A RARELY PRACTICAL WORLD CORE BELIEFS WHO YOU GET WHO I’VE WORKED WITH "ANDYLIST" CURRENT & RECOMMENDED READING CONTACT ME Creating Clarity There’s plenty of noise in today’s world; roaring waves of information and data. What we don’t necessarily have is a lot of clarity. Plattner Communications was created more than a decade ago to help clients create clear answers to hard questions: · Why should people pay attention to you, your cause or your product? Which people? · How do you tell compelling stories? To whom? · What makes people nod in agreement? What makes them act? · How do you listen more effectively? To whom? · How do you use communications to make a difference; to change the world? · How do you plan for a crisis? How do you handle one? · How do you navigate through a rarely rational political system where policymakers and education leaders seldom speak a common language? My goal has been to work with organizations and people who are making the world a better place, particularly for those most in need. I provide clients with value and serve them with distinction. 1573 MILLERSVILLE RD., MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 410 340-1623 (CELL)