The Center conducts research in three core areas with the goal of better aligning education and training with workforce and labor market demand: jobs, skills, and people. See more in About the Center. Since 2008, we have conducted research related to Jobs, Skills, and Equity to better inform students, parents, teachers, and policymakers about the changing relationship between education and careers. Job Projections and Education Requirements We analyze the education requirements for jobs in different industries, occupations, and geographic areas. Economic Value of Credentials and Competencies We connect cognitive competencies with occupational demands and study the labor market value of two- and four-year degrees, certificates and certifications, and other credentials. Non-economic Value of Higher Education We study the effects of higher education on individual health, crime reduction, family stability, and higher rates of civic engagement. Economic and Racial Justice We study the intersections of education and employment by race, ethnicity, class, and gender to narrow the information gap for minorities and to inform policymakers about equity issues. Education and Workforce Policy Our research breaks down the policy silos among secondary and postsecondary education, and career pathways. State and Local Analyses We produce state-level research on the relationship between education and employment and provide state technical assistance.