Mar 25, 2002 – Mike Rustici registered for a business license. He called our company Rustici Software because it was the first thing he thought of when he went out to register a company at the town hall. Rustici Software started out just doing freelance web development — whatever work Mike could get his hands on. The business strategy was “wander until you find a niche”. He did work for PureSafety (Mike’s former employer), a physical therapy company, a real estate company, a mortgage broker, McKinsey & Company, and a web developer. Office location: Mike’s spare bedroom. Funding: Rustici Software was started with money from a Crayola crayon piggy bank full of pennies that Mike had saved since 6th grade (because he knew that the bank would take his coins if he opened a new business account — $339.79) plus $95 he won from a Super Bowl bet on his childhood favorite, but then underdog, New England Patriots. August: As Mike was changing his email address on the ADL SCORM newsgroup, somebody messaged him to ask if he knew anybody who could help with SCORM. Mike said, “Sure, I can do that.” September: The first SCORM project was a success!