Org | Common People |
Yale University School of Medicine | Bruce Wexler |
C8 Sciences | Bruce Wexler |
Active8 | Bruce Wexler |
Dr. Bruce Wexler Peer-Reviewed Original Research leading to and pertaining to the development of C8 Sciences’ ACTIVATETM Bruce E. Wexler, M.D. is professor emeritus of psychiatry and senior research scientist at Yale School of Medicine and director of the Neurocognitive Research Laboratory at the Connecticut Mental Health Center. In 35 years of neuroscience research he has advanced the understanding of brain plasticity and been an international leader in developing computer-presented brain exercises to treat cognitive deficits in people with psychiatric illnesses. His patent-pending innovations led to the development of the ACTIVATETM cognition cross-training program for children and adults. The following is a list of Dr. Wexler’s peer-reviewed research that has led to the development of ACTIVATE. 1. Wexler BE, Hawkins KA, Rounsaville B, Anderson M, Sernyak MJ, Green MF: Normal neurocognitive performance after extended practice in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 1997, 26: 173-180. 2. Wexler BE, Anderson M, Fulbright RK, Gore JC. Improved verbal working memory performance and normalization of task-related frontal lobe activation in schizophrenia following cognitive exercises. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2000, 157:1094-1097. 3. Bell M, Bryson G, Tasamine Greig, PhD, Cheryl Corcoran, MD, Wexler BE. Neurocognitive enhancement therapy with work therapy: Effects on neuropsychological test performance. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2001, 58:763-768. 4. Bell MD, Bryson G, Wexler BE. Cognitive remediation of working memory deficits: durability of training effects in severely and less severely impaired schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandanavia, 2003, 108:101-9. 5. Fiszdon JM, Bryson GJ, Wexler BE, Bell MD. Durability of cognitive remediation training in schizophrenia: performance on two memory tasks at 6-month and 12-month follow-up. Psychiatry Research, 2004, 125:1-7. 6. Bell MD, Fiszdon J, Bryson G, Wexler BE. Effects of neurocognitive enhancement therapy in schizophrenia: Normalisation of memory performance. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 2004, 9:199-211. 7. Fiszdon, J, Whelahan, H., Bryson. G., Silverstein, S., Wexler, B., Bell, M. Cognitive Training of Verbal Memory Using a Dichotic Listening Paradigm: Impact on Symptoms and Cognition in Schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 2005, 112:187-193.  8. Kurtz, M.M., Seltzer, J.C., Shagan, D.S., Wexler, B.E. Neurocognitive remediation for patients with schizophrenia: How specific is the intervention and its effects? Schizophrenia Bulletin 2005, 31(2): 330-330. 9. Bell MD, Bryson GJ, Greig TC, Fiszdon JM, Wexler BE. Functional outcomes from a RCT of cognitive training and work therapy: 12 month follow-up. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2005, 31(2): 518-519. 10. Bryson GJ, Bell MD, Greig TC, Wexler BE. Neuropsychological outcomes from a RCT of cognitive training and work therapy: 12 month follow-up. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2005, 31(2): 520-521. 11. Bell MD, Bryson GJ, Greig TC, Fiszdon JM, Wexler BE. Neurocognitive Enhancement Therapy with Work Therapy: Productivity Outcomes at 6 and 12 month follow-up. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2005, 42:829-838. 12.Wexler, BE, Bell MD. Cognitive Remediation and Vocational Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2005, 31(4):931-941. 13. Kurtz, M.M., Seltzer, J.C., Shagan, D.S., Thime, W.R., Wexler, B.E. Computer-assisted cognitive remediation in schizophrenia: What is the active ingredient? Schizophrenia Research 2007:89:251-260. 14. Bell,M, Fiszdon, J, Greig, T, Wexler, BE, Bryson, G. Neurocognitive enhancement therapy with work therapy in schizophrenia: A 6-month follow-up of neuropsychological performance. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2007:44:761-770. 15. Greig TC. Zito W. Wexler BE. Fiszdon J. Bell MD. Improved cognitive function in schizophrenia after one year of cognitive training and vocational services. Schizophrenia Research 2007: 96(1-3):156-61. 16. Bell MD, Zito W, Greig T, Wexler BE Neurocognitive Enhancement Therapy with Vocational Services in Schizophrenia: Work Outcomes at Two Year Follow-Up. Schizophrenia Research 2008: 105:18-29. 17. Kurtz MM. Seltzer JC. Fujimoto M. Shagan DS. Wexler BE. Predictors of change in life skills in schizophrenia after cognitive remediation. Schizophrenia Research 2009: 107:267- 74. 18. Surti TS, Corbera S, Bell MD, Wexler BE. Successful computer-based visual training specifically predicts visual memory enhancement over verbal memory improvement in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2011: 132:131-34. 19. Murthy NV, Mahncke H, Wexler BE, Maruff P, Inamdar A, Zuchetto M, Lund J, Shabbir S, Shergill S, Keshavan M, Kapur S, Laurelle M, Alexander R. Computerised cognitive  remediation training for schizophrenia: An open label, multi-site, multinational methodology study. Schizophrenia Research 2012: 137:87-91. 20. Morimoto SS, Wexler BE, & Alexopoulos GS. Neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation for geriatric depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2012: 12:1239-47 NIHMSID: NIHMS360330 21. Surti TS, Wexler BE. A pilot and feasibility study of computer-based training for visual processing deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2012:142: 248-249. 22. Wexler BE. Integrated Brain and Body Exercises for ADHD and Related Problems with Attention and Executive Function. International Journal of Gaming and Computer- Mediated Simulations 2013: 5:1-17. 23. Bell MD, Choi KH, Dyer C, Wexler BE. Benefits of Cognitive Remediation and Supported Employment for Schizophrenia Patients With Poor Community Functioning. Psychiatric Services (in press). 24. Morimoto SS, Wexler BE, Liu J, Hu W, Seirup J, Alexopoulos GS. Neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation for treatment resistant geriatric depression. Nature Communications: August 5, 2014. 
Org | Common People |
Yale University School of Medicine | Bruce Wexler |
C8 Sciences | Bruce Wexler |
Active8 | Bruce Wexler |