About us Cognitive Edge was founded in 2005 with the objective of building methods, tools and capability to utilise insights from Complex Adaptive Systems theory and other scientific disciplines in social systems. This approach, known variously as Naturalising Sensemaking and Cognitive Complexity has developed three main focus areas: The development of SenseMaker® The development of SenseMaker® a software ecology which integrates decision support, research, monitoring and knowledge management. Described as the first example of distributed ethnography by a leading anthropologist in the British Government, the software represents a radically new approach to narrative research. Future developments include the creation of human sensor networks to generate new approaches to evidence strategy and a range of foresight tools. The first App version of the software was launched in 2012. Comprehensive global education programme A comprehensive global education programme has created a broad network of practitioners able to use the methods and tools developed by Cognitive Edge. Approximately 2,700+ Network Members now exist both within organisations and as independents. This distributed network is able to deliver high value solutions to clients both as direct assignments, and to supplement existing in house skills. Cognitive Edge also employs consultants to support the network and SenseMaker® projects. Those consultants are based in North America, Singapore and the UK. The research agenda The research agenda of Cognitive Edge remains at the heart of its methods and tools programme. Cognitive Edge actively participates in a range of academic and government think tanks as well as taking some of the latest insights from natural science and applying them in real world situations. This work was acknowledged by the Academy of Management with two awards for the Cynefin framework, which is at the heart of the approach, and has been extensively cited in papers, and used in both Government and Industry.