or us, giving back was never a question. It began with our parents who set the example by living modestly while giving back generously to the community. Further, philanthropy has always been an important part of the Jewish culture in which we were raised and now raise our children. We firmly believe, that as members of the community, we all have an opportunity and an obligation to give back in whatever way we can. Therefore, when the time was right, the decision was not “if” we should start a foundation, but “how” we should do it. The philosophy behind our foundation is the belief that our grants should help to improve the quality of life for all. Our strategy has been one of thoughtful investment; we are pro-active in seeking out agencies that exemplify qualities of creativity, sustainability and entrepreneurial vision. We provide funding as an investment in the ideas of an agency and its leadership, and we fully expect a return on that investment in the form of positive results toward our goal of a vibrant, healthy and well-balanced community. The work of our foundation represents the bridge from our family to our community, from the past to the future and from our passions to our convictions. Since we began, we have been gratified to see the impact our efforts have made thus far. We are thankful for our grantees and their steadfast enthusiasm and dedication, and we are excited for what the future holds. Henry and Susan